
At Maitland Farm we help each child develop his or her potential at his own pace. We nurture each child's sense of wonder, curiosity, caring and confidence. Children develop a sense of themselves as capable individuals as they master a variety of skills-ranging from self help, to motor, to cognitive. We encourage respect for the environment and for the needs of others. We do this through a well-balanced program of experiences that encourages the growth of the “whole child.”

The “4 R’s” are very important at Maitland Farm. By helping children develop healthy relationships and a sense of respect, responsibility and resourcefulness, parents and teachers help children build firm foundations for life.

Maitland’s staff seeks to reach beyond the bounds of our own program to involve ourselves in community activities that will be of mutual benefit, as learning is a lifelong process for us all. We seek to conduct ourselves in a caring and professional manner that will demonstrate our commitment to quality programs for young children throughout the community.


Available for children ages 21 months (by Sept 1) – 5 years
7:30 am - 5:15 pm
September – May + Year-round Program

  • Staff = 18
  • Students = 125 total
  • Ratio of teachers to children: 1:6, 1:9, 1:10
  • Group size:Twos-12 per room, Threes & Fours-18-20 per room
  • Daily license capacity 150, #C19IR0075

For more details click here.

Parent Programs

Parents and essential partners are welcome at Maitland Farm!

We have an open door policy and parents are welcomed into the classroom as volunteers and in numerous other capacities in which they can be involved in their child’s education. The Friends of Maitland Farm, a volunteer parent organization, helps with fund raising and with educational programs and events for families.

Our Staff

Maitland’s staff is made up of caring and nurturing individuals with diverse backgrounds of education and experience. Some have elementary, early childhood, or related degrees. We require that all Lead Teachers have at a minimum the Child Development Associate degree (CDA.) Whatever the experience we each bring to Maitland, each individual has something of value to share and something of value to learn. We provide many training opportunities throughout the year for our staff. We believe that as adults, whether teachers or parents, we continue to grow and learn.

Central to all staff is a shared commitment to the happiness and well being of your child. And we work hard to honor the trust you put in us.



Offering programs for children
ages 21 mos. (by Sept. 1) – 5 yrs

7:30 am - 5:15 pm Sept – May
June - August

Choose from a variety of options.

5990 5th Street SW
Vero Beach, FL 32968
